Backwaters: a haibun by K. Ramesh

The dawn is bluish still. Pelicans and painted storks fly over us, and the back water is teeming with life. Once in a while a fish leaps up and dives back into the water. As the boat moves slowly, he shares with me sea stories. Suddenly we notice a stretch of pink in the distance.

‘There they are!’, he says in a hushed voice. As we go closer, we see them. Some are standing tall and preening themselves, and the others, with their heads upside down, are eating  critters. The dawn light accentuates the colour on their bodies.

finger on shutter…
the blur of pink turns
into flamingos

9 responses to “Backwaters: a haibun by K. Ramesh

  1. Thank you, Ramesh, for submitting this fine short haibun, presumably about a trip you made to Kerala? Our last Icebox post was entitled ‘Bubbling Waters’; and now we have ‘Backwaters’, a very haiku kind of word!

  2. Thank you very much for publishing my haibun, Stephen! This is not in Kerala. There is lake called Pulikat lake, near Chennai, where one can see many flamingo in May and June. I went there to take pictures of them!

  3. Ramesh, I too mistook it for Kochi in Kerala. Very similar landscape. Looking forward to the photos of the birds.

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